Now the biggest pushers of this experimental gene therapy (their words not mine) like Jha, Birx and Redfield are out there admitting the truth. Is anyone listening?

Unbelievable. The whole thing.

Imagine still peddling this like drug pushers. There's no excuse at this point to do so. '

And of course, fully captured corrupted counties like Canada invited Moderna to set up shop here. Like the EV batter plants, it likely will fail. Betting on the wrong horse. Who's giving these dullard bureaucrats investment advice? Jim Cramer?

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By the way, speaking of blasts from the past, they used to say 'it's just another vaccine' in at attempt to coerce people into taking it. It's abundantly frighteningly clearly emphatically and indisputably clear now that these aren't 'just another vaccine'. They are indeed experimental mRNA gene therapies with no known reputable study detailing its short, medium and long-term impact on the immune system and human health.

We have to do away with the concept of public health-pharma parternships and the menacing Leviathan 'One Health' apparatus that's now put in place. It's going to make the disastrous and failed Covid response look like a picnic at Beaver Lake. See, our venerated 'experts' have decided that the reason why Covid measures failed was because they didn't do it early and hard enough. In order to accomplish that, they need to get every single government on board with a 'push button' mechanism to get everyone on board at the ready. This is what One Health is about. Control. Not health.

Go read the lit on what this entails including the upcoming Bird Flu Summit in October. They're telling you in plain sight what they're planning. And it ain't pretty.

The only question left to ask is will people buy into it?

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The criminals in Canada will be caught and jailed. We can not co-exist with them. The Sovereign's Petition

No whining, begging or bitching.

In a democracy such as Canada, the sovereign are the people. In this petition, we the people are giving consent for PM Trudeau and his M.P. to be arrested for treason.

Our Sovereign's Petition here:


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