Warning About Moderna's Software For Life from JAN 2021
Courage Québec / Fearless Canada's Stéphanie Pépin and others warned about Moderna's Software for Life in early 2021
The following article is a reproduction obtained from an old backup of Fearless Canada / Courage Québec’s Facebook pages. The post was removed inconspicuously by Facebook at some point in the past and, so, we are republishing it here to maintain a record of our early advocacy. The English text follows the French.
L’article suivant est une reproduction obtenue à partir d’une ancienne sauvegarde des pages Facebook de Fearless Canada / Courage Québec. Le message a été supprimé discrètement par Facebook à un moment donné et nous le republions donc ici pour conserver une trace de nos premiers témoignages.
Par : Stéphanie Pépin
Veuillez prendre note que les informations qui suivent sont tirés du site de Moderna lui-même. (1) Ce n’est donc ni une théorie du complot, ni une spéculation. Ici, les faits et informations sont exposés tel qu’on nous les présente sur leur site internet. Vous pourrez constater et valider ces informations par vous-même en cliquant sur le lien au bas de ce texte.
Allons droit au but, ce qu’on nous présente comme étant un vaccin est en fait une plateforme technologique ARNm.
En d’autre-mots, il s’agit ici d’un programme/application qui fonctionne de manière identique à un système d’exploitation d’un ordinateur. Donc, ce programme ARNm se trouve à être dans les faits LE remède, puisqu’il est conçu de sorte que l’on puisse le brancher et l'utiliser de manière interchangeable et ce, avec différents programmes qui permettent de reproduire le code d’une protéine par la séquence unique ARNm. Ce médicament ARNm est en fait un logiciel qui permet de coder et de reproduire un très grand nombre de protéines pour diverses maladies déjà existantes et à venir et ce, en conservant et en utilisant la même base pour tous traitements.
Le défi et le potentiel danger de cette nouvelle thérapie technologique est que l’on doit s’assurer que l’ARNm évite absolument le système immunitaire tout en l’intégrant dans les tissus et les cellules désirés. Advenant le cas où le système immunitaire serait déclenché, cela aurait pour effet de restreindre considérablement les bénéfices thérapeutiques des traitements à ARNm.
Serait-ce la raison pour laquelle on ne nous a pas promeut le renforcement de notre système immunitaire naturellement afin de contrer le virus SRAS-CoV-2?
Qu’advient-t-il des gens qui ont un fort système immunitaire? Est-ce que cela pourrait engendrer une réaction qui se révèlerait être fatale?
Est-ce que ce logiciel/programme sera intégré de façon permanente dans notre corps ou cette base sera tout simplement externe?
En conclusion, il s’agit bien ici d’un logiciel, d’un programme et non pas d’un vaccin typique. Ce traitement ARNm a bien entendu déjà été testé chez les animaux, et cela ne s’est pas révélé très rassurant en raison de nombreuses réactions graves allant jusqu’à la mort. Ci-bas, vous y trouverez également le lien d’une entrevue très intéressante avec le Dr Sucharit Bhakdi nous parlant entre-autre de ces essais peu concluants qui ont été effectués sur les animaux. (2) De toute évidence, nous sommes les premiers cobayes humains de cette nouvelle thérapie technologique. Alors que les effets à moyens/longs termes nous sont encore inconnus, seuls les effets à court termes commencent à se révéler. Certes, jusqu’à maintenant, cela laisse place à de nombreuses spéculations et à de nombreux questionnements qui demeurent jusqu’ici sans réponse claire et précise.
1. https://www.modernatx.com/mrna-technology/mrna-platform-enabling-drug-discovery-development
2. https://thehighwire.com/videos/the-biggest-experiment-ever-done/
Please note that the following information is taken from the Moderna site itself. (1) So, this is neither a conspiracy theory nor is it speculation. Here, the facts and information are presented as they are presented to us on their website. You can see and validate this information for yourself by clicking on the link at the bottom of this text.
Let's get right to the point. What we're being presented with as a vaccine is actually an mRNA technology platform.
In other words, this is a program / application that operates identically to a computer operating system. So, this mRNA program is in fact the remedy, since it is designed to be plugged in and used interchangeably with different programs that reproduce the code of a protein by their unique mRNA sequence. This mRNA drug is in fact software which makes it possible to encode and reproduce a large number of proteins for various existing and future diseases, while maintaining and using the same base for all treatments.
The challenge and the potential danger of this new technological therapy is that one must ensure that mRNA absolutely bypasses the immune system while integrating itself into the desired tissues and cells. Should the immune system be triggered, this would have the effect of considerably restricting the therapeutic benefits of mRNA treatments.
Could this be the reason why we were not advised to strengthen our immune system naturally in order to counter the SARS-CoV-2 virus?
What happens to people who have strong immune systems? Could this trigger a reaction that would prove to be fatal?
Will this software / program be permanently integrated into our body or will this base platform simply be external?
In conclusion, this product is really a software - a program - and not a typical vaccine. This mRNA treatment has of course already been tested in animals, and the results have not been very reassuring due to many serious adverse reactions leading to death. Below, you will also find the link to a very interesting interview with Dr Sucharit Bhakdi telling us, among other things, about these inconclusive tests which were carried out on animals. (2) Obviously, we are the first human guinea pigs in this new technological therapy. While the medium / long term effects are still unknown to us, only the short-term effects are beginning to be revealed. Of course, until now, this leaves room for much speculation and many questions that remain without a clear and precise answer.
1. https://www.modernatx.com/mrna-technology/mrna-platform-enabling-drug-discovery-development
2. https://thehighwire.com/videos/the-biggest-experiment-ever-done/
Now the biggest pushers of this experimental gene therapy (their words not mine) like Jha, Birx and Redfield are out there admitting the truth. Is anyone listening?
Unbelievable. The whole thing.
Imagine still peddling this like drug pushers. There's no excuse at this point to do so. '
And of course, fully captured corrupted counties like Canada invited Moderna to set up shop here. Like the EV batter plants, it likely will fail. Betting on the wrong horse. Who's giving these dullard bureaucrats investment advice? Jim Cramer?
By the way, speaking of blasts from the past, they used to say 'it's just another vaccine' in at attempt to coerce people into taking it. It's abundantly frighteningly clearly emphatically and indisputably clear now that these aren't 'just another vaccine'. They are indeed experimental mRNA gene therapies with no known reputable study detailing its short, medium and long-term impact on the immune system and human health.
We have to do away with the concept of public health-pharma parternships and the menacing Leviathan 'One Health' apparatus that's now put in place. It's going to make the disastrous and failed Covid response look like a picnic at Beaver Lake. See, our venerated 'experts' have decided that the reason why Covid measures failed was because they didn't do it early and hard enough. In order to accomplish that, they need to get every single government on board with a 'push button' mechanism to get everyone on board at the ready. This is what One Health is about. Control. Not health.
Go read the lit on what this entails including the upcoming Bird Flu Summit in October. They're telling you in plain sight what they're planning. And it ain't pretty.
The only question left to ask is will people buy into it?